True crime stories rattle one's mind in their own way because the truth is far more unimaginative than any fiction. It is one such story of a murderer. 18 years of deception didn't do him any good but still going with it is what makes one think, distressed minds are a threat to the sanity of this world. I always believed monsters are created and not born but this story strikes hard on that belief. How alienated we are from people right next to us is mind-boggling. None of us can ever understand what goes in one's mind and what one's mind is capable of but our obliviousness to the life of people next to us makes us what?
A special shout out to Emmanuel Carrere for writing it with an unbiased opinion especially when it is human to hate the person who killed his own seven-year-old daughter and five-year-old son. It is a truly mind-rattling story, perfect for crime lovers.
One line in the book " who expiates his crime by saying the rosary" made me think some people commit crimes to be known but Jean Claude Romand murdered for his own sanity, for his own extremes he couldn't escape. It was not an act of arrival but of departure.