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Writer's pictureDhairya

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Sometimes it is easier to feel than to understand, Benjamin Button is one such masterpiece. Every scene is a wallpaper worthy shot and with Brad Pitt in it, it's an expensive wallpaper. Trust me not but it is a love story of Benjamin and Daisy. It is a life journey of Benjamin as well as the journey of his love, situations of love story in correct order were the only way to keep the reversed order of his life journey easier to follow. Perhaps much easier to follow than my last line.

Where at one point , your logical brain with medical knowledge will force you to point out everything unexplained, at the same time your logical brain will also applaud the little metaphors used to dictate the reverse time theory like humming bird, clock story and infinity story. At the end of the movie, I felt satisfied not because of the amazing script writing but the way, a bizarre concept like medical age reversal was dealt, which makes it a must watch.

P.S: Do not miss the count on light striking guy.

Still from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

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